julie\’s kind kitchen

What’s in your freezer?
October 24, 2008, 4:58 pm
Filed under: Vegan Mofo | Tags:

Kelly over at The Pink Apron tagged me to share what’s in my freezer. I bet you can tell a lot about a person by what’s in their freezer. In my case, you can tell that I can be a bit unorganized at times because I had to clean and organize my freezer before it was pic ready.

Eventually, I want to get one of those big freezers in addition to a regular fridge/freezer combo because my freezer is always overflowing! As you can (kinda) see, I have various bread products (spelt bread, whole wheat hamburger buns, tortillas) on top of the shelve. Tucked in the back are frozen beans (black beans and white beans) I’ve cooked from dry. Ground flax is in the contained up front. There are sweet potato fries on the side (they are really cheap at Target). On the left side of the freezer there are various bags of frozen fruit (blackberries, cranberries, mango). Leaning on them are Amy’s California burgers, cute phyllo cups and vegan apple streudal from Trader Joes. In front of that stuff you’ll find ice cube trays, OJ concentrate and what we call popsies.

Living on the side shelves are frozen vegetables and nuts.

If you haven’t showed the blogging world the contents of your freezer yet, consider yourself tagged!